Friday, December 11, 2009
Home Remedies for Diabetes
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Healthy Tips : ABOUT CHOLESTEROL...?
Cholesterol is a type of fat made in the liver and found in animal foods.
* Building cell walls
* Protecting nerves
* Making hormones.
* THE GOOD. (HDL or High Density Lipid)
* THE BAD and the UGLY!! (LDL or Low Density Lipid.)
A higher level of HDL is needed to carry LDL from the BLOOD back to the
LIVER to be ELIMINATED from the body.
If there is a higher level of LDL cholesterol in the BLOOD this may:
* Cause high blood pressure!
* Raise your risk of heart attack!
* Raise your risk of stroke!
* Cause the kidneys to fail!
HOW ??
Cholesterol is broken down into LDL which is needed by the body cells. Once
The cells are satisfied the unused LDL remains to become what is known as
Blood cholesterol.
The main danger of high blood cholesterol is that fatty plaques may form
Which will decrease the diameter of blood vessels. This leads to a
Restriction of the flow of blood and oxygen to the tissues of the body.
* If an artery supplying blood to the HEART becomes blocked you may have a
Heart attack!
* If an artery supplying blood to the BRAIN becomes blocked you may have a
* If an artery supplying blood to the kidney becomes blocked you may suffer
Kidney failure.
The main causes are:
* Eating too much high saturated fat. I.e. Fat found in butter and dairy
Products, cakes biscuits and take away foods.
* Being overweight..
* Not exercising.
YOU CAN more:
* Fruits and vegetables.
* Oily fish (tuna, mackeral and herring).
* Skinless chicken.
* Fibre rich foods, e.g. Oats and wholemeal bread.
YOU CAN.... Eat less
* Fried take away fast foods.
* High fat dairy products and eggs.
* Saturated fats and oils.
* Biscuits, cakes and pastries.
* Unsaturated margarine instead of butter.
* Unsaturated oils (olive oil) instead of lard.
* Low fat cooking methods: steaming, grilling and microwaving.
* Make exercise a part of your day. (Walking is good).
* Not smoke
* Drink more water.
Start NOW to make the changes because.....
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Treatment in Swine Flu
If a person becomes sick with swine flu, antiviral drugs can make the illness milder and make the patient feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complications. For treatment, antiviral drugs work best if started soon after getting sick (within 2 days of symptoms). Beside antivirals, palliative care, at home or in hospital, focuses on controlling fevers and maintaining fluid balance. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of Tamiflu (oseltamivir) or Relenza (zanamivir) for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with swine influenza viruses, however, the majority of people infected with the virus make a full recovery without requiring medical attention or antiviral drugs. The virus isolates in the 2009 outbreak have been found resistant to amantadine and rimantadine.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
2009 Swine flue outbreak
The 2009 flu outbreak is due to a new strain of influenza (designated H1N1), not previously reported in pigs. On May 2, 2009, it was reported in pigs at a farm in Alberta, Canada, with a link to the 2009 swine flu outbreak in Mexico. The pigs are suspected to have caught this new strain of virus from a farm worker who recently returned from Mexico, then showed symptoms of an influenza-like illness. These are probable cases, pending confirmation by laboratory testing. As of May 3, 2009, the new strain has not been reported in pigs in the UK.
Source : Wiki
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Transmission of Swine Flu
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
What is Swine influenza ?
It normally only affects pigs, and usually only transmits to people after direct contact with an infected pig. However, the new strain of swine flu going around is a mixture of human, avian, and swine flues. So now it can easily transmit itself through direct contact with people.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Smoking can affect Hearing loss
Source : Smoking can affect Hearing Loss
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Smoking can affect Hearing loss
Source : Smoking can affect Hearing Loss
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Smoking can affect Hearing loss
Source : Smoking can affect Hearing loss
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Oatmeal can boost sex
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Women who wear red sexier than other
In other research news, men find women who wear red sexier than those who wear "cool" colors such as blue and green
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Walking without resistance
People who wear pedometers also tend to burn more calories and lose more weight
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
REgular exercise for woman
The National Cancer Institute followed 5,968 women for almost 10 years, during which 604 of them developed some form of cancer. Women in the top half of physical activity levels showed an approximate 20 percent reduction in cancer risk compared to those who exercised less. For a segment of those women, sleeping less than seven hours per night had a decreased benefit to exercise. Their cancer risk was greater than those who exercised but slept more—but still lower than those who exercised the least
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Honey can soothe
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Smoking may affect antioxidative mechanism
Smokers were also 1.69 times as likely to develop hearing loss than non-smokers, as smoking may affect antioxidative mechanisms or the blood vessels that feed the auditory system
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Eating fruits and vegetables may help the human body
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
A 20-minute nap can improve your overall alertness
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Rising Your Nose with salt water
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Dogs can smell cancer and low blood sugar
Now the organization is recruiting ovarian cancer patients and dogs for a new study. In diabetics, the presence of ketones—substances made by the body during the metabolic process—can be smelled in urine and on the breath when blood sugars are high. Dogs can pick up on other smells that humans can’t when glucose levels drop.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Homemade Dandruff solution
- pour vinegar on the head and massage your scalp gently, with care not to scratch with the nail. Instead, use the tips of your fingers to the chip.
- Let the scalp and dry hair for a few minutes and rinse your hair and scalp with the shampoo and conditioner.
- Do this once a day until the chip is gone.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Creating Mehendi Designs
For More Mehendi Design Image, Please visit and search "Hena" or "Mehendi Design" or "Lifestyle" as label.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Black Henna : Mehendi Chemical
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Types of anxiety disorder in Children
There are a number of different types of anxiety disorder.
- Panic disorders
Children who have panic disorders often have periods of intense fear and discomfort, accompanied by symptoms such as a racing heartbeat, dizziness, sweating and shortness of breath.
Panic attacks often come on suddenly for no reason. They can be scary for your child to go through (and you to see). The good news is it is a very treatable disorder.
- Phobic disorders
- a specific phobia, for example a fear of spiders, planes or water
- social phobia - fear of social situations and interactions
- agoraphobia - fear of open spaces and being in crowds.
A phobia is an irrational fear that causes people to avoid the source of the fear – be it an activity, situation, animal or person.
There are different types of phobic disorders, such as:
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is also called OCD. In OCD, recurring obsessions and compulsions cause distress.
Obsessions are persistent thoughts or impulses that are unrealistic and irrational. For example, a constant fear that someone will break into the house.
Compulsions are repetitive behaviours or rituals such as washing hands, keeping things in a specific order, or checking something again and again. Compulsions can also be mental acts such as counting, silently repeating words or avoiding things.
A child with OCD would, for example, constantly fear a break-in and not settle until every window and door has been checked in a particular order every night. And, if the order of checking isn't complied with, the whole process may have to be started again.
Although OCD can be worrying to parents, it can be treated effectively through medication and behavioural therapies.
Like adults, children can suffer from stress-related disorders. Stress occurs when a child is unable to cope with situations or events, or feels as if she can’t cope.
It can be caused by anything from making friends and learning a particular subject at school, to stress brought on by parents splitting up or moving house.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
What are the symptoms of anxiety?

These include:
- feeling worried, fearful or apprehensive
- tiredness
- poor concentration and restlessness
- irritability
- difficulty sleeping
- dizziness and fainting
- diarrhoea
- muscle pain
- sweating and nausea
- sickness
- dry mouth and difficulty swallowing
- trembling
- increased heart rate
- feeling hot or cold.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Is Anxiousness tends to anxiety ?
In contrast, a child with anxiety experiences the symptoms more intensely and more often, and it can seriously affect day-to-day school, home and social life. He/She can't immediately recover after experiencing a fearsome situation, such as going to school, and the symptoms can cause significant distress.
Anxiety is sometime tends from anxiousness / over anxiousness for any definite tasks and failure to recover anxiousness.
But this is not main reason of anxiety. Anxiety grabs us by many ways. Anxiety is one of the effects of depression and stress in life.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
How someone become drug abuse and got addiction?
There has been some speculation that some people may be more prone to drug abuse and addiction than others. Research is being carried out into whether there may even be genes that predispose certain people to addiction.
Social circumstances are important in drug abuse. Peer pressure, emotional distress and low self-esteem can all lead individuals to abuse drugs. Ease of access to drugs is another influence.
People abuse drugs for a reason. Understanding what the person's motivation is helps to explain why that person is abusing drugs.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Look at your approach while parenting your kids
It can drive you to the point where you give up on discipline, and find yourself being snappy, critical or even hating your child.
You need help to deal with the difficult behaviours and accept that you're not perfect - and that what works for one child might not work for yours.
If your child is often naughty, disruptive and rude, it may seem as if you are constantly nagging and criticising - which can wear both of you down. If this sounds like you, it may help to code your child's behaviour using the 'traffic light system' below.
- Green behaviour: things you'd like them to do more, eg politeness to house guests, niceness to siblings or helping with chores.
- Amber behaviour: things that are OK, but might lead to a bigger problem eg running with a drink in their hand, cheekiness or snapping at requests.
- Red behaviour: things that are unacceptable and need to stop immediately, eg fighting or throwing things around.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Type of pain arising from conditions of the reproductive organs ?
Pain might originate from the uterus (womb), Fallopian tubes or ovaries. It is usually felt in the middle of the lower abdomen, above the line of pubic hair as far up as the navel. Occasionally, the pain is more to one side, which is more typical of a pain coming from an ovary.
There might be discomfort or even pain during intercourse (called dyspareunia) felt deep within the pelvis.
Pain originating from the uterus is usually worse at the time of a woman's period (dysmenorrhoea).
Examples of conditions of the reproductive organs giving rise to pain include endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, fibroids and problems related to the early stages of pregnancy such as miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
In any case of sudden, severe, unexplained abdominal pain your doctor should be contacted.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
Type of pain arising from conditions of the reproductive organs ?
Pain might originate from the uterus (womb), Fallopian tubes or ovaries. It is usually felt in the middle of the lower abdomen, above the line of pubic hair as far up as the navel. Occasionally, the pain is more to one side, which is more typical of a pain coming from an ovary.
There might be discomfort or even pain during intercourse (called dyspareunia) felt deep within the pelvis.
Pain originating from the uterus is usually worse at the time of a woman's period (dysmenorrhoea).
Examples of conditions of the reproductive organs giving rise to pain include endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, fibroids and problems related to the early stages of pregnancy such as miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
In any case of sudden, severe, unexplained abdominal pain your doctor should be contacted.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
What type of pain arising from conditions of the intestines ?
The bowel can give rise to a wide variety of symptoms including pain.
Constipation and diarrhoea can be painful in themselves, and the change in bowel habit usually identifies the pain as coming from the bowel. Pain from the bowel is often described as colicky in nature. This means that the pain or discomfort comes in waves with little or no discomfort in between the pain.
Bloating or swelling of the lower abdomen may be present in many intestinal (bowel) conditions including irritable bowel syndrome.
The passing of fresh blood or altered blood (black motions) from the back passage should be reported to your doctor as investigation is usually necessary.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
What type of pain arising from conditions of the intestines ?
The bowel can give rise to a wide variety of symptoms including pain.
Constipation and diarrhoea can be painful in themselves, and the change in bowel habit usually identifies the pain as coming from the bowel. Pain from the bowel is often described as colicky in nature. This means that the pain or discomfort comes in waves with little or no discomfort in between the pain.
Bloating or swelling of the lower abdomen may be present in many intestinal (bowel) conditions including irritable bowel syndrome.
The passing of fresh blood or altered blood (black motions) from the back passage should be reported to your doctor as investigation is usually necessary.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.
How many type of pain arising from the urinary system ?
- cystitis (inflammation of the bladder),
- Inflammation of the collecting system of one or both kidneys (pyelonephritis),
- kidney stones or uncommonly tumours.
Typical symptoms of infections are a burning sensation when passing urine and a need to empty the bladder more frequently. In addition, pain travelling from the back and around to the front might suggest a kidney infection or kidney stone.
The pain associated with kidney stones may be particularly severe. The presence of blood in the urine raises the possibilities of infection, kidney or bladder stones or even a bladder or kidney tumour. Both benign and malignant tumours can first make themselves noticed in this way. The presence of blood in the urine always requires further investigation and should be reported to your doctor.
The duration of the pain will further help you and your doctor to make the correct diagnosis.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.
For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.