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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How many type of pain arising from the urinary system ?

Pain from the urinary system can indicate such conditions as
  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder),
  • Inflammation of the collecting system of one or both kidneys (pyelonephritis),
  • kidney stones or uncommonly tumours.

Typical symptoms of infections are a burning sensation when passing urine and a need to empty the bladder more frequently. In addition, pain travelling from the back and around to the front might suggest a kidney infection or kidney stone.

The pain associated with kidney stones may be particularly severe. The presence of blood in the urine raises the possibilities of infection, kidney or bladder stones or even a bladder or kidney tumour. Both benign and malignant tumours can first make themselves noticed in this way. The presence of blood in the urine always requires further investigation and should be reported to your doctor.

The duration of the pain will further help you and your doctor to make the correct diagnosis.
Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.

For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.