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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Types of anxiety disorder in Children

There are a number of different types of anxiety disorder.

    Panic disorders

    Children who have panic disorders often have periods of intense fear and discomfort, accompanied by symptoms such as a racing heartbeat, dizziness, sweating and shortness of breath.

    Panic attacks often come on suddenly for no reason. They can be scary for your child to go through (and you to see). The good news is it is a very treatable disorder.

    Phobic disorders

    A phobia is an irrational fear that causes people to avoid the source of the fear – be it an activity, situation, animal or person.

    There are different types of phobic disorders, such as:

    • a specific phobia, for example a fear of spiders, planes or water

    • social phobia - fear of social situations and interactions

    • agoraphobia - fear of open spaces and being in crowds.

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder is also called OCD. In OCD, recurring obsessions and compulsions cause distress.

    Obsessions are persistent thoughts or impulses that are unrealistic and irrational. For example, a constant fear that someone will break into the house.

    Compulsions are repetitive behaviours or rituals such as washing hands, keeping things in a specific order, or checking something again and again. Compulsions can also be mental acts such as counting, silently repeating words or avoiding things.

    A child with OCD would, for example, constantly fear a break-in and not settle until every window and door has been checked in a particular order every night. And, if the order of checking isn't complied with, the whole process may have to be started again.

    Although OCD can be worrying to parents, it can be treated effectively through medication and behavioural therapies.

Stress-related disorders

Like adults, children can suffer from stress-related disorders. Stress occurs when a child is unable to cope with situations or events, or feels as if she can’t cope.

It can be caused by anything from making friends and learning a particular subject at school, to stress brought on by parents splitting up or moving house.

Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.

For any kind of support, Always consult your doctor and medical expert.