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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

2009 Swine flue outbreak

The 2009 flu outbreak is due to a new strain of influenza (designated H1N1), not previously reported in pigs. On May 2, 2009, it was reported in pigs at a farm in Alberta, Canada, with a link to the 2009 swine flu outbreak in Mexico. The pigs are suspected to have caught this new strain of virus from a farm worker who recently returned from Mexico, then showed symptoms of an influenza-like illness. These are probable cases, pending confirmation by laboratory testing. As of May 3, 2009, the new strain has not been reported in pigs in the UK.

It was initially described as apparent reassortment of at least four strains of influenza A virus subtype H1N1, including one strain endemic in humans, one endemic in birds, and two endemic in swine. Subsequent analysis suggested it was a reassortment of two strains of SIV.Although initial reports identified the new strain as swine influenza (ie, a zoonosis), its origin is unknown. Several countries took precautionary measures to reduce the chances for a global pandemic of the disease.

Source : Wiki
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