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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What is Swine influenza ?

Swine influenza is called swine influenza virus (SIV), that usually infect pigs. Swine influenza is common in pigs in the midwestern United States and occasionally in other states), Mexico, Canada, South America, Europe including the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Italy, Kenya, Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan and other parts of eastern Asia.

It normally only affects pigs, and usually only transmits to people after direct contact with an infected pig. However, the new strain of swine flu going around is a mixture of human, avian, and swine flues. So now it can easily transmit itself through direct contact with people.

Note : All the Health and beauty related tips and information are collected from various web sources and personal experiences. Writers are just sharing some of their reading and experience their life.

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